Whitetail bucks can be hard to catch up with – especially when your goal is to seal the deal with a bow. Sure, hunting television, social media, and YouTube can, at times make it seem very doable. It is. However, if pressed, your average bowhunter will admit that it’s a difficult proposition. After all, there are so many variables to contend with; wind, scent, weather, stand location, and entry and exit routes. Then there are the many variables related to successfully drawing on and actually arrowing a buck. For those that specifically pursue mature whitetails, most of these variables are super-charged.
I’ve taken my share of bucks but my decent at best skills are often trumped only by my inability to create setups for success – right out of the chute.
Let’s look at a few of the common challenges we typically try to head off on the front-end – followed by a setup option that can often remedy them. I’m talking about a strategy that has stood the test of time for many bow-toting whitetailers.
Wind Direction; I mention this one first because it has sabotaged many a deer hunt for me, whether I ignored it or it unexpectedly changed during a hunt. Ask any serious deer hunter and they’ll agree that this simple factor is a big one.
Entry and Exit Routes; Oh, if I would have only understood the importance of this one early in my hunting days. Just like stand placement, the pathways to and from your stand are crucial from a deer’s scent and sight perspective. If not careful, the hunt can be ruined based solely on your walk from the truck. Though some areas have no great alternatives, you can usually at least find an optimal one if you do your homework.
Uncertainty over Buck Travel Patterns; Sometimes you think you have a good idea of where to set up for a buck – or, thanks to scouting efforts, you have it narrowed down. There are times when you’ve seen a good buck in the general area and others when the likes of scrapes, rubs, heavy trails, and camera images have you feeling pretty pumped. Still, needing a shot of 20-50-yards (based on your abilities), we usually wish we had a more accurate idea of travel patterns before sitting down for long hunting sessions.
Forfeiting Hunting Opportunities Due to Conditions; Let’s face it, if you’re serious about chasing a mature hit-list buck, there are times that you have to stay home (or should). The wind is likely not right for you and/or a prospective buck’s entry into shooting range. It’s a tough decision point when it comes to the likelihood of sitting upwind of a nice buck.

An example of the “Triangle Ambush Setup”, complete with observation point, two alternative stand locations and travel routes
I don’t know about you but as an archer, I am always in search of anything that might stack the odds in my favor. To that end, I often use what I call the Triangle Ambush Setup. And I bet many of you have done the same. Yeah, I didn’t invent it, but I’ve long since given a name to it and lean on it heavily. Though all terrains and settings are a little different, there is often a way to employ it.
The Setup
The Triangle Setup is simple. The three points of the triangle represent a long-distance observation location (at the point) and two alternative stand locations (one on each of the remaining to points). By this time, you’re already thinking, “I’ve done this before”. If so, good. It’s a great approach that will often remedy the above-mentioned bowhunting challenges. If not, you should give it a try.
- An overhead view of the property
- Good optics (for use at the observation point)
- Patience and common sense
- Two stands (tree stand, popup, etc.)
- Trail cameras capturing different routes around your 2 setups (optional)
Determine the Hub Area
To start, consider a main hub section you want to hunt. These stretches are usually determined by previous experience and viewed bucks. Regardless of how familiar you are with the property, refer to an overhead view of the area as it relates to its surroundings. Popular hub areas include feeding stations, food plots, and known pinch points.
Step Back
Refer to your overhead map view (and area knowledge in general) and look for an observation location within cover 200-yards or more from your hub area. Use existing brush, canopies, or even a pop-up blind to view from. Now it’s time to sit and watch. With patience and good optics two or more sits should tell you a lot about the way bucks move around the hub area. Now, you can start to plan a couple of alternative bowhunting setups.
The Setups
When picking the sites, use the given terrain and cover features to your advantage. For example, you might use an oak mott for an elevated stand for one and heavy brush suited for a popup blind for the other – whatever the area offers. Place your stands somewhat opposite of one another based on the travel patterns you’ve witnessed from your observation point. In the best of circumstances, the two stands can be situated 60 – 100-yards apart.
Directional Matters
Consider their placement regarding direction (north-south-east-west) and possible wind conditions. The two setups don’t only represent options for alternative deer travel, but can also allow for differing winds.
Doubling Down
While I prefer to chase hit-list bucks on my own, this approach can be concurrently used by two bowhunters. After all, in those cases where a buck commonly takes one of two main routes, coverage by two hunters (one in each stand) in the hub section can increase the chances of a quality shot. This one is much riskier so you’ll want to make sure conditions are right for both locations. If you opt for this bolder approach, minimize your footprint in this golden area with good scent control, entry and exit, and common sense. Don’t do it all costs.
Again, this approach is not a new one. However, it’s one that offers choices to the bow hunter. And choices are good for this fun yet sometimes complicated endeavor. In particular, it’s a great way to approach bowhunting on new grounds. Every time you find yourself devising a new setup, get in the habit of surveying the area to see if it’s a good fit for the triangle setup – on the front end. With a little imagination and extra field time, there will be a way to employ it more often than not.
Sound easy? It is. This method will increase your chances of putting a good buck on the ground or, at a minimum, keep you from having to stay home when conditions aren’t in your favor.