I sprayed down, grabbed my binoculars, backpack, and bow and quietly closed the truck door. It was mid-October and the warm humid air was changing. I hadn’t expected the mild cool front to arrive before dark. I was wrong. I made the 200-yard walk and entered the back side of my make-shift ground blind. At this late hour, changing hunting locations wasn’t an option so I sat down and quietly arranged my gear. I was committed.

Almost an hour later, a doe, followed by a 3.5-year-old 9-pointer came in from behind me. The deer carefully worked their way around the clump of trees and underbrush where I sat; completely downwind of me. As I’m sometimes prone to do, I was sitting in a ground blind of native-brush. This was a far cry from the scent protection offered by an enclosed pop-up blind. I was toast, I thought.

Scent Masking

I’ve always been a firm believer and consistent user of cover scents. I’m pretty resolute in employing the basics; I use special detergents for hunting clothing and body soap. I’d use scent-masking shampoo if I had any hair. That’s another story.

I also keep my hunting gear separate from everyday garments; and yes, I spray down with a good scent eliminator prior to hitting the stand. Admittedly, I’ve yet to use any type of ozone machine. To date, I’ve found that proper scent practices along with playing the wind have done the trick. I’ve always had pretty good success with different popular scent eliminator sprays. That is if I was consistent.

The Whitetail Senses

The truth is I’ve used cover scents and/or scent killers for many a season with good, if not great results. After 45-plus years of hunting, I have always contended that there are no fool-proof silver bullets when it comes to scent control and whitetails. These creatures (especially mature bucks), simply have senses that are off the charts good. Even so, as with most hunting tactics, I’m still a “stack the odds in your favor” type.

Meanwhile Back in the Blind

Two more does entered the picture, joining the initial one and the buck. Now four in all, the deer browsed around the beaten ground of the old mineral site in front of my blind. The cedar branches around me now danced in the steady north breeze and the nanny doe of the bunch took notice. She then began to play the familiar game. That is, randomly jerking her head up and looking my direction as if trying to catch me moving. The buck was calmer, but took notice of her behavior and joined in the game. After a long five minutes, they were all settled in. In fact, she wandered to within 8-yards of me. I don’t mind being still, but it was getting ridiculous. I could only think, “unbelievable”. The evening sit ended a couple of minutes past legal shooting light when the four deer moved on in a business-like fashion. Somehow, I had braved the hour-15-minute encounter with the deer; with the wind firmly at my back. What an evening. Despite unfavorable conditions, one of my favorite ground blinds had not been tarnished and I got an extended and quality look at the promising buck.


The Tie-Breaker

For the 2018/2019 season, this was my fourth successful bowhunting sit using Texas Raised Hunting Products‘ Scent Guardian. I had been winded in that set-up a couple of times in the past but not that evening. Sure, I had used the product extensively during preseason trail camera visits and mock scrape sessions, but this single event sealed the deal for me. The Scent Guardian spray had helped me weather a worst-case hunting scenario. Going forward, I now know I can rely on it. This is a great feeling considering the many potential variables that can damage a whitetail hunt.


More Uses and Counting

This electrically-charged ozone crush scent eliminator has, within the last year alone, also proven to have utility in other areas including taxidermy. For example, it has effectively removed odor from game hides and velvet antlers. Further, predator and wild hog eradication company, Texas Predator and Hog Hunting discovered that it effectively removed a particularly strong odor from one of their hog skulls. In fact, they tried relentlessly to disprove Scent Guardian’s ability to handle the task; to no avail. “I used 3 different brands of scent killers that I’ve had past success with and none of them worked. The Scent Guardian did the job. I was proven wrong”, said Owner, Jonathan Roach. What’s amazing is he also tried soaking the skull in bleach before settling on this Texas Raised Hunting Products gem.


Real Science, Results, and Honesty

I, of course, continued my use of this great product through the extended Texas deer hunting season (which ended at the end of February 2019) without a hitch. I’ve since learned even more about Scent Guardian and it’s always in my pack. I’ll be putting it to work while establishing and refreshing my mineral stations this spring and summer. Like with their superior line of whitetail, hog, and predator lures, Texas Raised Hunting Products continues to put in tireless hours perfecting and field testing their Scent Guardian and Scent Guardian Plus product line; and they stand by it. They believe in their products and demand excellence. It’s no wonder that they offer a 100% success guarantee. Amid winds of change in hunting and the hunting industry, their products continue to be a breath of fresh air.

Pun intended.


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