Hunting and Outdoor Adventure Under the Son
From drop tines to blood trails, sight pins to cross hairs. We not only highlight hunting strategies, but also the lighter side of the outdoor lifestyle – the nuances that make it fun, memorable and part of our DNA. Within this framework, we also aim to celebrate God’s creation through the lens of our hunting and the outdoor experiences.
Required Reading
Obsess Over Whitetails?
The Spiritual Opportunity that is Deer Hunting
The sound of silence. Not so much like the one Simon and Garfunkel once performed, but a dead calmness nonetheless. Except for the occasional echo of nearby livestock or a passing vehicle, I sat there mentally acknowledging the start of deer season. Despite the gnats...
Heaps, Piles, and Deadfall: Utilizing Head-Start Ground Blinds
I know the cover photo doesn’t look like much more than a pile of trunks and limbs but bear with me. Do you ever drive or walk through a hunting property and it seems like there is a good place for a ground setup every 20 yards? I do. This happens a lot in the Texas...
Leveraging Whitetail Behavior by Creating Deer Hubs
Sharing deer populations across small properties is a common thing among all private land hunters. In particular, it’s a reality for those chasing whitetails on small and medium-sized tracts. These special sections of free-range deer hunting mean a lot of competition...