It’s par for the course for me. I spend late winter through the hot Texas summer anticipating the next deer hunting season. Very shortly after season’s end, I put away my rifle and bow and thoughts soon turn to off-season chores – activities such as building and repairing blinds and cutting shooting lanes. You know, things most people would dread and I curiously consider fun.
Nonetheless, as much of a fanatic as I am, I need a little break from the routine of planning the next hunt, studying game camera pictures and the like. I emphasize, little break. Many long seasons have bred a love-like relationship with hunting, with a heavy dose of the former. Rinse and repeat as they say.
With the 2017-2018 deer season in the rear view mirror, this familiar process continues for me and I would have it no other way. However, this time is different. For me, this calendar year marks the inception of First Light Hunting Journal. We will be aiming to provide content that is interesting and meaningful to the hunting and outdoor enthusiast. Here, we celebrate everything from drop tines and blood trails to the follies and triumphs that are part of our lifestyle. Our foundation is our Christian faith and the opportunity and privilege His remarkable creation affords us. We hope that you will not only visit often, but contribute to our community.