Welcome to First Light Hunting Journal.  We hunt. We fish. we love the outdoors – it’s true.  However, I would be remiss if I didn’t emphasize that we really love managing, studying and pursuing the whitetail deer.  After all, for most of us deer hunting represents our outdoor roots.  1st Light is a hunting and outdoor site featuring hunting strategies, stories, news and gear.  Our blog will provide interviews with experts from the outdoor industry, as well as everyday enthusiasts.  We also aim to highlight the lighter side of the hunting and the outdoor lifestyle – the nuances that make it fun, memorable and part of our DNA.

We celebrate life and the outdoor triumphs of the everyday hunting enthusiast – men, women, children, the disabled. You name it.  We’ve found that there is a wealth of knowledge coming from those that simply love the sport and log many hours in the field before, during and after the season.  Also highlighted are the many other cast of characters that are an important part of the outdoor experience;  taxidermists, guides, entrepreneurs, chefs/cooks, Christian authors and speakers, photographers, writers, biologists, ….. the list is endless.

Faith and Community

Outdoor adventure under the SON.

The backdrop to our content is God’s grace, salvation and incredible outdoors.  His creation provides us with the awesome opportunity and privilege to be in touch with not only Him, but the animals and scenery that encompass the earth.  God created people to be in authentic community (Ecclesiastes 4:9).  As a loyal community, 1st Light encourages engagement, welcoming written and visual contributions from our users.

Though we are steeped in the hunting and outdoor tradition, most of us do not consider ourselves to be a experts. However, we celebrate the activities we love and seek to share it with others. Further, 1st Light is and always will be all about furthering our hunting and outdoor heritage.

We hope you visit often.

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